Ikaria Beaches

In Ikaria, your quest for the perfect beach ends. The clarity and brilliance of the waters surrounding Ikaria are unparalleled. The Ikarian Sea ranks amongst the cleanest in the world. Ikaria's most popular sandy beaches are predominantly located on the North side of the island. On the South side there are less crowded sand and rock/pebble beaches.

IKARIA offers an excellent diversity of beaches to suit all desires and occasions. From remote sandy beaches where one is unlikely to encounter anything else except pure nature, to cosmopolitan resort beaches that include facilites and amenities.

Xilosirtis Beach is a peaceful long pebble-rock beach popular with the residents of the village bearing the same name. There is a small pier at the access to the beach which is ideal for fishing and a small cantina on the beach serves refreshments during the summer. Access is via a stairway path whi...
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Located in the city of Therma, Ikaria's center for radioenergic therapeutic hot mineral springs spa therapy, Therma Beach is easily accessible and ideal for older persons and families. The beach is sandy and located in a protected cove. Behind the beach are various cafes and restaurants, and a water...
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A nice pebble beach located below the village of Plagia and visited primarily by the summer residents of the village. The water here is deep and cooler than other beaches owing to the river that emptys here in winter. There are no facilities on the beach and access to the beach is from a steep path ...
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This is one of Ikaria's most intriguing and beautiful beaches, and closely guarded by the villagers of the nearby village of Mangganitis who would prefer to keep it their secret and for good reason. The pebble-rock beach is located within a picturesque and intimate cove setting. There are interestin...
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This designated nudist beach is located near Faros between Kontou Tou Lakoma beach and Agios Giorgis Beach. Access to the beach is via a path leading down from the unpaved road from Faros to Drakano Fortress or by walking to the extreme north end of Kontou Tou Lakoma beach. Both routes are signposte...
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Located approximately 8.0km east of Therma, access is via a path off the main road, look for the sign post marking the beach. Peaceful and beautiful sand-pebble beach with rock formations underwater at the eastern edge, interesting for snorkelling/spear fishing. There are no facilities on this beach...
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Located approximately 3.5km east of Therma, access is via a dirt road turnoff from the main road. Nealia beach is a sand and pebble beach with crystal clear water and there are rarely more than a handful of people here. In summer there is a small beach bar serving drinks and food. One of the nicest ...
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Located just before the port city of Evdilos, on the North side of Ikaria, Kiparissi Beach is a long and quiet sand beach. There are no facilities on the beach, just crystal clear water and the surrounding natural beauty....
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Agios Giorgis beach is a beautiful and remote sandy beach located at the extreme north-eastern tip of Ikaria in a protected cove. Above the beach stands the solitary Church of St. George and Drakano Tower & Fortress. Access to Agios Giorgis Beach is via an unpaved road leading from the seaside villa...
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Located in the village of Faros, 10 km east of Agios Kirikos, Faros Beach is a popular weekend getaway for citizens of Agios Kirikos and the surrounding villages owing to its close proximity and ideal waters for swimming. The sandy-pebble beach stretches a long distance, running the full length of t...
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Located on the North side of Ikaria in the Gialiskari resort area, Messakti Beach is Ikaria's most popular beach and is blessed with pure and natural golden sand and crystal clear waters. Two small rivers intersect the beach with small freshwater lagoons, and the church of Gialiskaris is visable in ...
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Located 6km west of Armenistis, Nas is an idylic place seemingly frozen in time. It is situated at the union of the Chalares River and the Aegean Sea, and was the site of one of Ikaria's earliest settlements. During the 6th century BC, the Ikarians built in Nas a temple to the Goddess Artemis, patro...
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Located just outside the village of Faros, this remote and beautiful beach is seemingly lost in time. Sandy & seldom visited. Take the road towards Drakano and then look for the turnoff on your right shortly after you ascend the hill after leaving the village. You can park at the end of the road tha...
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Located on the southwest side of Ikaria in the remote village of Trapalou near Karkinagri. A beautiful peaceful beach seldom visited by tourists. Access to Trapalou is via Karkinagri and a 4-wheel drive vehicle is strongly recommended. The village features an informal taverna overlooking the beach r...
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Located 1km east of Agios Kirkos on the coastal road to Therma, Prioni Beach is a secluded natural sand/pebble cove. The cliffs and rocks at Prioni offer the possibility of diving/jumping from heights of up to 12 meters, and there is a small intimate cove adjacent to the main beach that is only acce...
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Located 1km west of Agios Kirikos on the main road, just past the night club, Tsoukala Beach is popular with the local residents of Agios Kirikos. Tsoukala is a pebble rock beach with some shaded areas located under the trees and umbrellas and sunbeds are sometimes available to rent in summer. There...
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Located on the south tip of Ikaria, just below the lighthouse of "Kavo Papa", Agios Giorgis (St. George) Beach bears the name of the small stone chapel located at the water's edge. This is seldom visited secluded beach in a small cove setting with pebbles and sand. To reach the beach follow the path...
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Located in the village of Magganitis, The beautiful sand-pebble beach of Firodi is frequented mainly by the local villagers. It is called "Firodi" by transformation of the name which belonged to a queen who was buried there according to local tradition. A short walk southwest from the beach along th...
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Located on the North side of Ikaria in the Armenistis resort area, Livadi Beach is blessed with pure and natural golden sand. A year round river fed lagoon surrounded by lush green vegitation completes the beautiful setting. On the beach there are cantinas serving drinks/snacks and umbrellas, chairs...
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A nice pebble beach located just outiside of the village of Karavotamo and visited primarily by the summer residents of the village. The water here is deep and cooler than other beaches owing to the river Aris that emptys here in winter. There are no facilities on the beach. ...
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Located in the village of Kampos, the ancient Ikarian capital of Oinoe, Kampos Beach is a long and sandy beach popular in the summer with residents of Kampos and Evdilos. Bamboo and other plants grow right up until the water's edge within the river delta that forms the beach. There are umbrellas and...
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Located 2km west of Agios Kirikos on the main road, across from a house and just before the curve leading to the intersection for Glaredos village. The natural radioenergic hot saltwater spring pool of Lefkada is a relaxing body experience and not to be missed. Boulders encircle the pool where the h...
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Pebble-sand beach located just outside of the village of Mileopo. Access is from the main road west of the village via a narrow dirt road that winds back and forth down to the river bed that forms the beach. An intersting place to snorkel owing to the large boulers and rock formations below the wate...
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Iero Beach is located in the uppermost northwest corner of Ikaria behind the airport and near Faros. Legend has it that the "Iero" was the ancient site of a temple to Dionysos (Bacchus). The area of Drakano to the East is thought to be the god's birthplace. Iero Beach is ideal for snorkeling. It is ...
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